How Remedy Tree Removal Service Helps with Post-Storm Cleanup The severity of storms can lead to significant damage in the yard. Leaves and branches are scattered through the yard, branches have fallen or are damaged and could fall, and it’s possible a tree may have come down. Once the storm is over, it’s time to…

Shrub Basics

Shrub Basics

Shrub Basics This is an excerpt from the Book called “Trees Shrubs & Hedges FOR YOUR HOME“. Continue reading to learn more about Shrub Basics, thanks to the author. Main Facts and Key Details It’s easy to tell the difference between trees and shrubs. The difference rests primarily in their growth habits. Shrubs have many stems and…

Insect & Disease Control Strategies

Insect & Disease Control Strategies

Insect & Disease Control Strategies This is an excerpt from the Book called “The Backyard Orchardist ” by Stella Otto . Continue reading to learn more about Insect & Disease Control Strategies, thanks to the author. Insect & Disease Control Strategies  In the recent past, most gardeners had then impression that insect and disease control for fruit trees could…

Pears – Growing Guide

Pears – Growing Guide

Pears-Growing Guide This is an excerpt from the Book called “The Backyard Orchardist ” by Stella Otto . Continue reading to learn more about Pears-Growing Guide, thanks to the author. Pears  Like the apple, the pear is a pome fruit with a fleshy body surrounding a core of seeds. Many of the principles of growing apples will also apply…

Garden And Outdoors

Garden And Outdoors

Garden And Outdoors This is an excerpt from the Book called “Reimagine Redesign Remodel” by Rosemary Bakker. Continue reading to learn more about Garden And Outdoors, thanks to the author. Entryways, Gardens, & the Outdoors  Enjoying the outdoors is one of life’s greatest pleasures—and it’s good for you, too. The healing qualities of nature promote…

Fun facts about trees

Fun facts about trees

Fun facts about trees This is an excerpt from the Book called “Eyewitness Tree” by David Burnie. Continue reading to learn more about Fun facts about trees, thanks to the author. Did You Know?  Amazing Facts  A mature oak tree grows about 250,000 leaves every year. In a good year it also produces about 50,000 acorns. …

Pruning Demystified

Pruning Demystified

Pruning Demystified This is an excerpt from the Book called “The Homeowner’s Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook” by Penelope O’sullivan . Continue reading to learn more about Pruning Demystified, thanks to the author. Until you understand its simple logic, pruning can be one of gardening’s great mysteries. Pruning plants for the right reasons with the right tools at the…

Decorative Tree Pruning

Decorative Tree Pruning

Decorative Tree Pruning This is an excerpt from the Book called “Creative Pruning Close To Home” by Jake Hobson. Continue reading to learn more about Decorative Tree Pruning, thanks to the author. Five Decorative Tree Pruning  Funny words like pollard and pleach, fancy foreign ones like espalier, and slightly rude sounding ones like stool-they might…