How Remedy Tree Removal Service Helps with Post-Storm Cleanup

The severity of storms can lead to significant damage in the yard. Leaves and branches are scattered through the yard, branches have fallen or are damaged and could fall, and it’s possible a tree may have come down. Once the storm is over, it’s time to start cleaning up the mess to get the yard back in shape and prevent further damage. Learn How Remedy Tree Removal Service Helps to get yards back in good condition after any storm.

Clean Up All the Debris in the Yard

The leaves, small branches, and other debris scattered through the yard will need to be cleaned up and removed from the property. This can be quite a bit of work, even if it doesn’t look too bad. It can also be more dangerous than it appears because branches can still fall after the storm ends. It’s something anyone can do on their own, but it may be better to let the professionals handle the job.

Trim Trees and Remove Damaged Branches

A part of the Post-Storm Cleanup is cleaning up the trees to remove dead or damaged branches and ensure everything is safe. Branches may be damaged, but haven’t fallen yet. These could fall at any time, injuring anyone below or damaging the property. Removing them and trimming the tree helps keep it in great shape, so homeowners don’t have to worry about potential hazards.

Remove Dead or Dying Trees

Trees can be damaged or destroyed in severe weather. If a tree has fallen, it’s important to have it removed as quickly as possible. Trees that have visible damage may need to be removed, too. Like with damaged branches, this can help protect the property and those who live there. It is also necessary to help prevent pests and diseases that appear in the fallen tree.

Correct Leaning Trees if Possible

After a lot of rain, some trees may start to lean. If the roots don’t go deep enough, they may not be able to hold the tree upright when there is too much water. In these cases, it may be possible to save the tree, but it is necessary to work fast. Cabling and bracing can be used to straighten the tree and help it stand upright again. As the area dries and the tree grows, it can spread its roots further and will not need the bracing anymore. If this is not successful or possible, it may be necessary to remove the tree before it falls.

Assess the Condition of Remaining Trees

Once the visible damage has been cleared away, it’s recommended to have the property assessed to find out if there is any other damage to the trees. Damage isn’t always immediately visible after the storm, and it’s not going to improve on its own. In fact, it could become worse quickly and can end up being a hazard. An assessment helps to find the damage so the right services can be done to get everything in great shape.

After a storm, debris can be spread throughout the yard, trees can be damaged, and a lot of work may be needed to get everything back in shape. When there is a lot to do to get it all cleaned up, rely on the professionals to make sure the job is done right. Along with cleaning up visible debris and fallen branches, they can help make sure all trees on the property are healthy and thriving, preventing future damage to the property. Call them today to get the help needed to clean up storm damage or to learn more about Remedy Tree Removal Service offered during expert storm cleanup services.