Do sycamore trees have protection in California?

It isn’t quite illegal to harm a sycamore tree under state law. With that considered, there are local provisions in place to protect them. We can find local council preservation orders that protect them with a fine that’s up to $20,0000 in some cases. This protection is important as they’re considered to be an important shelter for wildlife.

tree maintenance

We can find protection for the following native trees in the area:

-California bay (umbellularia californica
– big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum)
-box- elder (Acer negundo ‘Californica’)
-California sycamore (Platanus racemosa)
California walnuts (Juglans californica and J.)


Do sycamore trees reside in California?


The platanus racemosa is a sub species in the sycamore family that resides in California. It goes by quite a few names. Most of the locals call it the California Sycamore; however, it can also be called the California plane tree and Western Sycamore. In Spanish it is referred to as Aliso. It’s native home is California and the Baja region. We can see it grow in canyons, springs, riparian areas, floodplains, and along streams. The list of habitats it can inhibits almost seems endless. It’s a tree on the larger end of the spectrum as it grows up to 35 feet tall and has a diameter that’s almost always one meter. It’s most typical form is a double trunk that splits into a cascade of branches. It can have a singular trunk or many others. You’ll find beautiful colors such as beige, white, grey and brown in its patchwork. The older bark is darker and peels away for the newer bark to settle. The leaves of this plant are large and can be described as lobed. They’re often up to 25 centimetres wide. Newer leaves are brighter then older leaves and can be somewhat translucent.

Are sycamore trees protected in California?
tree maintenance

What protects sycamore trees?

To make sure other native trees in the California area are well protected, additional native trees were given provisions to expand and regulate protection. Other protected trees under local provisions are the Western Sycamore, California bay trees, and the southern California Black Walnut.
Also, Where do sycamore trees truly come from?
There are two species that are local to the United States
-American Sycamores (Which grow around the southeast and lower midwest)
-California Sycamores (Adapt best to a warmer climate and are native to the larger parts of Southern California.)
Some people wonder how fast they grow.
This tree grows at a much faster rate than you’d think. It can reach a height of two feet in one year.

Are sycamore trees right for your backyard?
These trees are too large to fit in most American backyards. They’re perfect for those areas that are wide open like parks, banks and other areas. They were often spotted in the street, but created hazardous litter that would be too damaging to vehicles if we just left them there.

Tree care

How close can a sycamore tree be to a house?

15 feet
It has a distinctive bark and broad canopy. It’s popular on the street, far away from the house. They reach a height of 75 feet in most cases but can be as much as 90 feet tall. It has a spread of 50 to 70 feet tall. The root system seems to grow close to the surface.

Are sycamore trees protected in California?
tree removal

What’s the use of a sycamore tree?

Modern uses include the typical industries of lumber, furniture parts, interior trims, paneling, vaneer, slack cooperage, and fuel. It’s a hard wood that’s sturdy enough to not split.

Can this tree be planted from seeds?

Planting Sycamore Seed
You should mimic spring conditions if you’re looking to grow a Sycamore tree. Seeds should not be placed deeper then 1/8 inch in soil. They should also be spread around 6 to 8 inches apart. You may be able to keep a tree in a pot for several years before it needs placement in the ground.

Are they messy?

Because of how large this tree is, it’s unsuitable for most back or front yards. The size isn’t the only problem this tree poses as it carries root damage with it. It can shatter the patio and adversely affect plumbing. Sycamore trees are really messy. They drop a fair share of leaves, twigs, and seeds on the ground. They’re typically planted in parks and public grounds.

Can I plant something under a sycamore tree?

Plant perennials like Epimedium and Geranium. They look well with the tree. You should also consider planting Cyclamencoum around the roots.

How long will it take to grow the tree?

Sycamore trees do not reach a reproductive period for six to seven years. Optimally, they reach seed production between 50 to 200 years after having been planted. These trees grow quickly. Most of them will do an annual tree growth of 2 feet or more every year.

Why are these trees so protected?

They’re an extremely important source of shelter for wildlife. While they aren’t automatically protected underneath the law, many of them are subject to local provisions that carry the weight of a fine if they are cut down or severely injured.

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