New California garden

This snippet has been extracted from “Northern California Gardening” by “Katherine Grace Endicott”. New California garden is on of the most beautiful one in the world. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA” briefs you on this topic. Plants suitable to northern California-the new California gardens When spring arrives, northern California gardeners want to start planting even though…

Selecting annuals

This snippet has been taken from “Annuals for Northern California” by “Bob Tanem Don Williamson”. Selecting annuals is a process which should be followed very carefully. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA” gives you relevant information on this selection process. Many gardening enjoy the trip to the local garden center to pick out their annual plants. Other…

Growing annuals

This article has been extracted from “Annuals for Northern California” by “Bob Tanem Don Williamson”. Growing Annuals during the cool season when most other plants are dormant or other annuals are in seed form waiting for warmer weather to germinate. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA” serves you at its best on these annuals. Once your annuals…

Firescaping Monthly Checklist

This excerpt has been taken from “Firescaping Creating Fire-Resistant Landscapes, Gardens, And Properties in California’s Diverse Environments Wilderness Press Berkeley, CA”. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA” guides you on the Firescaping Monthly Checklist. Proper timing of tasks is essential to the goals of fire-scaping. Out-of-season maintenance can either encourage or create fires.  The effects of pests,…


Trees for clay

This excerpt has been taken from “Tree for the Yard and Garden” by “John Cushnie”. Trees for clay, majority of the roots will develop in the top 12 to 18 inches of soil, though this will vary depending on the type of tree and garden soil. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA” gives you info on such…


This extract has been taken from “The well – designed mixed garden”. A shrub or bush is a small- to medium-sized perennial woody plant. Unlike herbaceous plants, shrubs have persistent woody stems above the ground. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA“, provides all relevant information on planting the Shrubs. Shrubs Besides the topdressing and fertilizer for acid-loving plants described in this…

Factors affecting Garden Colors

This snippet has been taken from a book namely “The mix – designed mix garden”. The Factors affecting Garden colors are location, boundaries, soil, planting design and sunlight. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA“, educates you on the essentiality of these factors. Factors affecting color  Color is never viewed in isolation. Many elements- light, associations among colors,…

Choosing trees

This snippet has been taken from “Best Trees for Your Garden” written by “Allen Paterson”. Choosing trees is a big investment in the future of your landscape so its very important to make the choice wisely. “Tree Removal Berkeley CA“, helps you to choose the best & correct trees to plant. Our heartfelt gratitude to…

Ten Best Trees to create filtered shade

This excerpt has been extracted from “Landscape Planning Practical Techniques for The Home Gardener” by “Judith Adam”. Ten Best Trees to create filtered shade is a tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown. More details on this service can be derived from “Tree Removal Berkeley CA“….