Tree Diseases
This snippet has been extracted from “Shrubs and Small Trees” Section – “Caring for trees and shrubs” written by “Simon Akeroyd”. Tree Diseases are caused by fungi & bacteria which infects the vascular tissues of the trees resulting to wilting, drooping & defoliation. Experts from Tree Removal Berkeley CA, helps you to encounter these diseases in the trees. Thankful to the author for sharing this blog with us.
Diseases and disorders
When a bacterium, fungus, or virus attacks a plant, it becomes diseased and may even die. Trees and shrubs are most vulnerable when young, just after planting, but once established they stand a much better chance of survival.
Preventive Care Plants of even the most experienced gardeners can succumb to disease, but a little common sense and gardening knowledge will increase their chances of survival. When buying, avoid plants that look sickly, stressed, or weak, and give preference to disease-resistant varieties. Keep new and susceptible plants well watered during periods of drought and watch out for early signs of disease, removing or spraying infected tissue before it can spread. Hard pruning is a useful remedy- for some plants only- as it removes the infection, encourages vigorous regrowth, and increases air circulation. Pruning at the wrong time of year can promote infection; cherry trees, for example, must be pruned in the summer only.
The best start in life When buying, always match a plant to its growing environment, and take time to plant it well. Remember also to care for the plant in its formative years by nourishing the soil. A plant’s risk of disease is greatly reduced if it’s planted in the correct surroundings, at the right depth, and with suitable sun and soil.
Using chemicals The height and size of many trees and shrubs make the application of chemical treatment impractical, but they have their uses on younger plants or on valuable specimens that are suffering badly and will be lost if action is not taken immediately. Always read the label, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and wear the recommended protective clothing.
Disease or disorder? Unlike diseases, “disorders” are caused by inappropriate growing conditions, leading to problems like leaf discoloration, stem distortions, or wilting. Causes include soil conditions, weedkiller damage, and frost. There is no real cure except to check on a plant’s growing requirements and to try and improve conditions.
Common Diseases and how to treat them
Powdery Mildew White powdery patches appear on the leaves, usually during dry conditions. Water the plant at the first sign of disease and spray with a fungicide, or remove infected shoots as they appear.
Canker Branches and trunks develop depressions, cracks, and darker wood that can eventually kill the plant. There is no effective cure, particularly if it occurs in the trunk; removing affected branches will reduce the problem.
Coral Spot Distinctive raised bright orange spots appear on dying wood. This is often caused by not correctly pruning to a bud, resulting in the tissue dying back. Remove the infected wood immediately and burn.

Honey Fungus White fungal growth under the bark toward the base of the tree, toadstools in fall, and black “bootlace” strands below the soil indicate the presence of this killer. Remove infected plants, including all their roots, immediately.
Black Spot Black patches appear on the leaves of roses during summer. The problem is usually worse in warm, humid conditions. Pick off affected foliage and treat serious infections with a fungicide. When buying, select resistant varieties.

Rust Commonly seen on many trees and shrubs, particularly during humid conditions, rust is recognizable by raised browny-orange spots on the leaves. It can be treated by spraying with a fungicide or removing infected plant material.
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