How Do I Grow Healthy And Prolific Citrus Trees In The Bay Area?

Citrus fruits came to California around the 1800s and it didn’t take long to grow in the heart of farmers and gardeners.

The world produces more citrus fruits than all other combined fruits. And the Bay region loves lemon trees, oranges, and grapples.

Basic things you need to know about citrus

  • In the first year, the citrus tree should focus on creating a solid and healthy root system.
  • Citrus sheets are also important because they keep the energy that will see wood through the winter and spring flowers in the spring.
  • In addition to the provision of a beautiful citrus, the trees are good in the garden and the landscape because of its wonderfully scented flowers and bees that attract.
  • Most citric fruits are simply favorable, but check before buying, if you also need to plant a different tree.
  • The first fruit production on the young tree is unlikely to be deliciously, but will improve in future seasons.
  • Before you buy, do your homework before you start consulting available space. You will also need to consider the amount of sun that will have your tree.
  • Most citrus fruits grow on large trees but there are varieties of gnomes available. Shopping with a good reputation from the seller, however, because there are no laws that regulate these types of labels, and you can finally 25 feet and not 10 feet.
  • Citrus fruits are available as a naked foot, but most are sold in pots.


  • Citrus fruits should be planted early in spring, after the danger of winter gel to enable them to develop their root and leave the system before heating in the summer.
  • Now you can buy trees and leave them in your pots on autumn and winter. Trees can live long in pots but should not be kept in their sweet culture for more than a year.
  • Choose a solar place protected against a large amount of wind that can dry the tree.
  • Citrus fruits are better than on the first floor of the clay weaving, but they go well in the clay soils that are common in the variety zone.
  • Remove the hole twice as wide and only so deep.
  • Do not add a modification of the hole.

Leave the shaft in the pot and put it in the hole.

  • Cut the tree pot, trying not to disturb the root of the ball.
  • Citrus fruits have small wet roots that can die if they are exposed to harm too long. They are also fragile, so it is better to reduce the pot instead of shooting it.
  • Floor replacement You are removed when the hole is disappeared. Eliminate clusters and make a country as much as possible to prevent the formation of pockets attached around the roots.
  • Create a water pool with wood and water to customize the floor and close the air pockets.
  • Mulch around the tree.
  • Trees can be blurred in containers if you save their size in a selective size. Use a mixture of citrus soil and mulch around the tree.

General care

  • Do not let the trees become too dry but do not cross them.
  • Fertilize once a month from the end of February by the end of September; Moment is not time.
  • Use citrus fertilizers and use only as much as necessary. For example, if the instructions say that the wood should receive a half-one fertilizer for one year, divided into several monthly food products.

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Please read our next article “How To Grow A Berkeley Buckeye Tree From Seed

How Do I Grow Healthy And Prolific Citrus Trees In The Bay Area?
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